assassin's creed identity download

Assassin's Creed Identity

Assassin's Creed Identity is one of the amazing adventure video game for the windows.

Assassin's Creed Identity is a video game produced and released by Blue Byte and ubisoft has been publishd. It is the first on mobile phone to integrate modern, cross-sectionally crafted gameplay in third person, as seen in major game console titles It began in 2014 New Zealand and Australian App Stores free-to-play online. This is a new mobile-exclusive game in the Assassin's Creed franchise, which was launched after Assassin's Creed Pirates. On February 25, 2016 the game was released worldwide on iOS. The version of Android and a new DLC are eligible for both of them, released on 18 May 2016. It will be set during the Italian Renaissance and will be displayed in the Coliseum of Rome, Florence and Monteriggioni. A new Forli Chapter was released as a DLC on 18 May 2016. Play is identical to Assassin's initial religion. The assassin of the player will carry out the race by climbing walls, hills or items, and will carry on the race immediately upon touch. The assassin could also be blended into various individuals / systems by clicking the action button or by crashing into combinable structures / items. Assassinations arise when an next guard has the symbol Hidden Blade above his head by pressing the action button. Players can strike, battle, use skills or stop fighting during war. But there is no combat with some expertise and leaving fights have a colder impact. The killer ends with the secret identity, which he is overlooked by regular guards. If the assassin crosses the lines of the guards ' eyes or behaves suspectly, he is warned, in which regular guards look carefully at the murderer but do nothing. The Assassin is in the Willed state, when the guards strike the Assassin in sight, through battles or fleeing from aggressive guards. Assassins may decrease rank by breaking the line of vision of aggressive guards for a long time or by blending. Furthermore, in restricted areas and some Templar rivals, the assassin is always targeted in sight. In the battle, the player can also select staff, who are qualified and passive improved based on their ranking. When the player uses the ability to hire, though, the hireling can not be used for the task again, so proactive progress is cancelled. The famous Eagle Sight and Leap of Faith can also be used by players on quests.

Various forms of missions occur. Task missions are progressing and often have multiple parts (or different objectives) and side targets. Project activities involve aims like Head, Escort, Assassinate, and Messenger, and side targets also kill special forces, finalize tasks in a certain time frame, and more. Objects, XP, and coins are provided in campaign missions. Assignments on contracts include one-goal side missions with targets like tail, escort, kidnapping, messenger, abuse, theft, recovery and more. Objects, XP, and coins are provided by contract missions. Contract missions often offer the Tokens trigger and higher level. In the case of a party of Borgia mercuries posing as tax collectors, an assasseur patrols Monteriggioni throughout Italy. While the assassin executes both hostages, a robber runs from the chest of the assassins. Pietro de Galencia, a Borgia worker in Monteriggioni, has been identified as a robber. Pietro had kidnapped an ancient man who was the Roman assassin's aunt, and forced him to expose the secret entrance to Pietro's chest. The old man escaped after the robbery and warns of the deceit of Pietro the citizens of Monteriggioni.

Assassins Creed identity system requirements

  • Operating System: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • CPU:: Dual core processor 2.6 GHz Intel Pentium® D or AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Hard Disk Space: 8GB